Worthy Causes

ECA’s Support of Worthy Causes Makes Eastport Stronger

The ECA Grants Program supports organizations that address local needs, improve quality of life, and contribute to the well-being of our community. Thank you to everyone who supports our Grants Program.

  • Our grants are funded by your donations and by ECA’s fundraising events, such as The Appraisal Roadshow and, in the past, the Home and Garden Tour.
  • Awardees are selected each year by the ECA Grants Committee, which thoroughly evaluates each grant application and maintains complete confidentiality during the selection process.

Who Is Eligible for ECA Grants?

The Eastport Civic Association invites grant proposals from nonprofit organizations and from individuals supporting projects and causes in four broad areas:

  • Education
  • The environment
  • General welfare
  • Civic life

If your local organization or program would like to be considered for an ECA grant, click here for the grant guidelines and application. Grant applications are due by March 15 of each year.

Who Are Some Past ECA Grant Awardees?

Among local programs the ECA has supported are the following:

See a complete list of grants awarded since 2017.