Our Government
City of Annapolis Government
Annapolis is governed by a City Council composed of the Mayor and eight Aldermen and Alderwomen. The Mayor, limited to two four-year terms, oversees the running of the city government. The Mayor is limited two four-year terms. Aldermen and Alderwomen are elected to four-year terms and are not term-limited.
- City of Annapolis Overview
- Annapolis City Council
- City organizational structure
- City of Annapolis Youtube channel
Top City Officials Serving Eastport
- Gavin Buckley, Mayor: gavinbuckley@annapolis.gov
- Mike Mallinoff, City Manager: mmallinoff@annapolis.gov
- Edward Jackson, Chief of Police: ecjackson@annapolis.gov
- Douglas M. Remaley, Fire Chief: afdinfo@annapolis.gov
- DaJuan Gay, Ward 6 Alderman: aldgay@annapolis.gov
- Ross Arnett, Ward 8 Alderman: aldarnett@annapolis.gov
Other Useful City Links
- City of Annapolis Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CityOfAnnapolis/
- City of Annapolis Linked In https://www.linkedin.com/company/cityofannapolis/
- City of Annapolis website www.annapolis.gov
- City TV – a federally funded service that airs videos by Annapolis residents on local programs and projects
- How Do I for quick information about city services and resources
- Notify Me – sign up for news and announcements from city agencies
- Report an issue to the city
- Text My Gov Annapolis – sign up to use your mobile phone’s texting service to find information and report issues on the go
- Watch videos of City Council meetings and recordings by the City, Police, and Recreation & Parks
- Annapolis Police Department Facebook
- Annapolis Police Department website
- APD Youtube videos
Anne Arundel County Government
County Government and County Council
- Steuart Pittman, County Executive: expitt99@aacounty.orgContact Us
- Lisa Rodvien, District 6 County Councilwoman: lisa.rodvien@aacounty.org
Maryland State Government
- Governor’s Office
- General Information
- Maryland Manual Online
- Maryland General Assembly
- Find Your State Representatives
The General Assembly, Maryland’s legislative body, directly represents the state’s legislative districts. Eastport is in District 30. We are represented by one State Senator and two State Delegates.
- Shaneka Henson, Senator, District 30: shaneka.henson@senate.state.md.us
- TBA, District 30A Delegate:
- Dana C. Jones, District 30A Delegate: dana.jones@house.state.md.us
Federal Representatives
Chris Van Hollen, Senator: www.vanhollen.senate.gov
Angela Alsobrooks, Senator: www.alsobrooks.senate.gov
Sarah Elfreth, House of Representatives, Maryland’s Third District: elfreth.house.gov