Interesting Facts from Eastport Elementary Principal at November ECA Meeting

Eastport Elementary serves 288 students in a structure built in 1907 and is one of only two public schools (part of the AACPS system) located inside the city of Annapolis, Principal Jim Whisman said in his highly informative talk at the November 19 ECA meeting. Whisman took the school’s helm in July 2024 and has been with AACPS for 19 years.
- Given Eastport Elementary’s high Hispanic population, 67% of students speak English as a second language and 2.5 staff support the 132 ELD (English Language Development) students needing help with math and reading, including translation assistance.
- As a Title I school, Eastport receives federal funds to help students with high economic needs meet state and local academic standards; 90% of attendees receive free or reduced-cost breakfast and lunch.
- Defined as a “community school” by Maryland law, Eastport elementary has a community manager on staff to build partnerships with businesses and community groups, which provide resources for special activities that enhance student achievement and well-being.
- Eastport is authorized as an IB World School (International Baccalaureate), a program followed by 5,800 schools in 162 countries. The curriculum is designed to develop engaged, inquisitive learners who are well prepared for the future.
- The Maryland State Department of Education has awarded Eastport Elementary 3 out of 5 possible stars based on student performance and absenteeism, and Whisman’s goal is to reach 4 stars within five years. “Our biggest obstacle is chronic absenteeism,” he said, which is defined as missing 18 or more school days a year, whether excused or not.
- Though the school building is well maintained, its age presents problems, such as the gymnasium’s need to double as a cafeteria.
Whisman revealed great news: over the past year the school’s test scores improved approximately 40% in math and reading, based on student growth. “We’re now the number eight-ranked school in the entire school system based on student growth,” he announced. AACPS has 126 schools.
How can ECA and the community help out? The school needs volunteers for after-school programs and clubs, face-to-face mentors (especially for boys), supervisors for field trips, and advocates for updates to the aging school building. For more information, you can contact Jim Whisman at