ECA Launches Public Water Access Committee

In December the ECA Board approved a new Public Water Access Committee, chaired by Bill Borwegen, to boost Eastporters’ access to the water for fishing, boating, and other recreation. “Did you know that the City of Annapolis sits on 22 miles of waterfront? Yet precious few locations allow public water access,” according to Borwegen. And the water access spots that do exist need attention – better signage, renovations, and regular maintenance, he noted.
A separate committee (not part of ECA) that is focused exclusively on Wells Cove has worked with the City to make Wells Cove more accessible: clearing brush on the path from Boucher to the cove and adding an Annapolis Recreation & Parks sign marking the entrance. The new ECA committee will support the Wells Cove folks, in addition to operating across Eastport.
“Wells Cove, Jeremy’s Way, Bill Jones Alley and numerous other access points need our attention,” Borwegen said. “Most folks don’t even know where these sites are located.”
- If you are interested in joining the Public Water Access Committee, contact Bill Borwegen at
- You can review and comment on the City’s current map of Public Water Access points at: