Annapolis Police to Benefit from High-Tech Surveillance Cameras

Eastport group’s input helps tackle crime issues in the community

The Eastport Civic Association (ECA) and leadership from the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis (HACA) formed a work group in October 2023 to brainstorm specific steps for dealing with an uptick in violence, including a shooting Sept. 24 that wounded a 52-year-old woman as she walked into her Harbour House apartment on Madison St. Several more gunfire incidents were reported in the same neighborhood in November and December. 
Annapolis police received nearly 40 reports of shots fired in 2023, the highest number in eight years. Gunfire wounded 22 people in Annapolis; nine people were shot to death. To address the increase in gun violence the work group focused on immediate and necessary objectives related to public safety.

Install and Monitor Surveillance Cameras
For years the City has been planning the use of high-tech surveillance cameras in high-crime areas to alert police about suspicious activity and allow officers to be dispatched in response. There is now a commitment by City officials to make the installation and operation of these cameras an immediate priority. Getting the new cameras operating this winter is the result of advocacy by Eastport citizens and HACA, who met with the Annapolis Police Department (APD) and the City to identify quick, concrete actions to stem increased violence in “hotspot” neighborhoods.

Restore Crossing Guards
The Eastport work group learned that money had been omitted from the City budget that would have paid for a full staff of school crossing guards. As a result, the APD sometimes pulled police from their normal assignments to ensure student safety on the streets. At the group’s request, City staff is now working to restore the funding to hire more crossing guards and relieve the police of this task.

Both Bill Reichhardt, ECA president, and Melissa Maddox-Evans, executive director of HACA, have reached out to City officials to collaborate on other important public safety goals. The ECA and HACA will continue to work together to promote citizen advocacy and meaningful action to help make our neighborhoods safer.